Are you shielding or in lockdown? Need a Will or an LPA? We have the answer…

With the ever changing rules and advice given to us all, it’s difficult to decide on what’s the best plan of action if you need a Will or an LPA. These important documents cannot be completed over the phone, but recent changes in regulation means that we can now offer all of our usual services online, using secure websites such as Skype and Zoom.

What’s the difference?
Well, given the obvious benefit with not having to be in the same room as one another, and therefore keep each other safe from Covid and the winter flu, you will obviously need a computer and a webcam. You can use a smart phone too if you don’t have a webcam to hand.
Besides the hardware requirements, there are no differences in completing the job itself.
I may have to ask you to show me around the room, so I can confirm that you are under no undue influence and can confirm those in attendance, which may seem a bit strange to some customers! This is because we have a duty of care to ensure our customers receive the same level of protection with our services, as they would during one of our home visits.

What’s the price difference?
None. It’s a free of charge service that we provide to our customers.

How do we sign the paperwork?
We can sign the Will remotely, so you don’t need to find a witness, making our service completely remote. We will arrange another video call with you, so we can watch you sign the final Will. We can then legally sign the paperwork once we have received it at our Legacy Office.

If you have any questions, or if this service is something you would like to use, please contact us to book your appointment now.